White Men Cant Jump (1992)

white men“You see Billy it’s like this, you either smoke or you get smoked. And you got smoked.” Sidney Deane

Number of Times Seen – 2 (at least. in theater and 8 April 2013)

Brief Synopsis – Two basketball street hustlers join forces to win a basketball tournament.

My Take on it – Back when this came out in 1992, both Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson were hot actors.  They just don’t have any kind of chemistry together. I had a real hard time believing that these two actually could meet on a public basketball court in LA. If Harrelson was also a minority, maybe I could believe it. Didn’t find any of the characters sympathetic and didn’t care much what would happen to any of them.

Rosie Perez who plays Harrelson girlfriend was the only bright point in the movie.  She spends the whole first half of the movie studying trivia in hope that she would get selected to be on Jeopardy. Suffice it to say, Alex Trebek has a cameo as himself.

Bottom Line – Didn’t like this movie, seemed somewhat pointless, no real plot. Don’t see it unless you enjoy watching 2 on 2 mediocre basketball

Rating – Razzie Worthy (4/10)

4 thoughts on “White Men Cant Jump (1992)

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  4. Pingback: The Large Association of Movie Blogs | Acting School 101 – July 2020 – Wesley Snipes

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