After Earth (2013)

After-Earth-Poster“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.” – Cypher Raige

Number of Times Seen –  1 (22 Sep 2013)

Brief Synopsis – A boy and his father are stranded on Earth (a quarantined planet 1000 years from now) and they must find a way to signal for help.

My Take on it – This movie disappointed me so much!

I had read the concept and it had such potential in my mind.

Will Smith and M. Night Shaylaman?  That should be a winning combo, No?

This movie is sooo boring and the whole time you are waiting for something real and interesting to happen and unfortunately it never does.

I see in IMDB that a sequel is planned. I wonder what they will try to achieve with that one 😦

The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it has some good special effects.

Sad to say, but don’t waste your time!

Bottom Line – Disappointing that a movie with such potential fails.

Rating – Razzie Worthy

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