The Bling Ring (2013)

The-Bling-Ring-Official-Movie-Trailer2“I think we just wanted to be part of the lifestyle. The lifestyle that everybody kinda wants.” – Marc

Number of Times Seen – 1 (9 Dec 2013)

Brief Synopsis – Based on the true story of a group of teenagers who started robbing celebrity homes in LA just because they could.

My Take on it – The idea for this movie is great, as is the fact that a daughter of a ‘celeb’ directs it.  Unfortunately, that isn’t enough to make this movie entertaining enough.

The characters weren’t developed enough IMHO which is what hurts this movie.  Yes, we know that they are criminals and don’t deserve our sympathy, but if we understood them better, we wouldn’t just think that they spoiled kids looking for fun by breaking in to celebrity homes to steal personal items.

The story is very choppy and tries to give us a “Reality TV” perspective, but loses something by doing that.

I wanted to like this movie more than I did.

Too bad 😦

Bottom Line – This movie could have been done better. Great idea, but the characters aren’t developed enough for us to like or sympathize with them.

Rating – BAFTA Worthy


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