Big Bad Wolves (2013)

bbw“It might look like I’m enjoying this, and maybe I am in a way… but believe me, I’d be happy to stop breaking your fingers.  Now would you please start talking!!!” – Mickey

Number of Times Seen – 1 (26 Jan 2014)

Brief Synopsis – A detective and a distraught father both search for a criminal who abducted and murdered a little girl.  The question is what will they do with him when they find him.

My Take on it – I heard about this movie a few months ago and have wanted to see it ever since.

Quentin Tarantino (and Eric at the IPC) says that this is the best movie of the year.  I don’t know if I’d go that far, but it is a very good movie.

It doesn’t surprise me so much that QT loves this movie since it reminded me quite often of his body of work.  There was even a scene where one of the character discusses torture and says a line very similar to something Mr. White says in Reservoir Dogs (1992).

The characters here are complex, but not in a way that one would presume.  They are complex not because we know so much about them, but rather because we know so little about them.  Each of the main characters have problems in their lives and when they find a way to try and “even the score” they do so without any qualms about doing it.

This movie is from Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado, two filmmakers on the recently expanding list of extraordinary Israeli filmmakers and they are starting to make a large impression on a global audience.

As most of you know, I’m not a fan of movies where I MUST read the subtitles, but since I live in Israel and understand Hebrew, that wasn’t a problem for me this time 🙂

What’s interesting is that when I looked at the English subtitles there were numerous times that the translations were just laughable.

Regardless, this is a really well done thriller in Tarantinoesque form!

Bottom Line – Very good thriller.  Extremely Tarantinoesque, but it still works well. Recommended!

Rating – Globe Worthy


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23 thoughts on “Big Bad Wolves (2013)

  1. I’m hearing so many good things about this! I doubt it’ll come to my local theater, but apparently I must see it when it comes out on DVD. Nice that you didn’t have to worry about subtitles for this one! 🙂


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