Right at Your Door (2006)

right-at-your-door“We interrupt your regular programming for a KDHP Emergency news break: Multiple explosive devices were detonated across Los Angeles moments ago” – News Anchor

Number of Times Seen – 1 (11 May 2014)

Brief Synopsis – A married couple must do all they can to survive when a deadly terrorist attack happens in nearby L.A.

My Take on it – I had never heard of this movie before and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.

I don’t wanna give away too much about the plot, but the movie basically revolves around a couple and how they deal with the fact that numerous “dirty” bombs have been exploded not far from their house.

What impressed me so much was how it seemed so easy for them to make this movie on a shoe string budget.  Obviously, it mainly has to do with the fact that the script was written expertly and the two main characters are played by actors who can really give us a sense and feeling as to what is happening to them.

There is a review that claims that this movie will “frighten the living daylights out of you.”

That line can be misinterpreted into meaning that this is a horror movie, but in actuality it means that the scenario seems so real that it will scare people into thinking about what could happen if these kind of events truly happen.

If you’ve never seen this one, I strongly recommend that you do.  It really was great! It’s such an amazing Thriller!!!

Bottom Line – Excellent thriller. Makes you really scared of what could happen in situations like this. Amazingly done with such a small budget. Highly Recommended!

Rating – Oscar Worthy


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7 thoughts on “Right at Your Door (2006)

  1. Pingback: Movies Reviewed Index A-Z |

  2. Much like yourself, I hadn’t heard of this one before watching it last year and, much like yourself, was pleasantly surprised at what it had to offer. The film emits a very foreboding atmosphere throughout. Great review Rob.



  3. Pingback: MovieRob’s Top Ten for Newly Viewed Pre-2014 releases |

  4. Pingback: Temporal Top Ten – 2006 |

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