Whiteout (2009)

 whiteoutnew“I gotta go out and do the rounds…” – Carrie Stetko

Number of Times Seen – 1 (23 May 2014)

Brief Synopsis – A US Marshal in Antarctica two days to solve a mysterious murder before she must depart as the window to fly out is closing.

My Take on it – I had heard about the graphic novel that this movie is based on, but didn’t know much about it.

That’s actually unfortunate since this movie was so boring, I almost fell asleep numerous times.

Only good part of this movie is Kate Beckinsale, but even I would have forgone seeing her to save 100 minutes of my life.

Bottom Line – Has higher hopes for this graphic novel turned movie, but it was a complete snore-fest.  Only high point is Beckinsale herself.

Rating – Razzie Worthy


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15 thoughts on “Whiteout (2009)

  1. Pingback: Movies Reviewed Index A-Z |

    • Yea. He’s in it. But not very recognizable. Still have never seen underworld or its sequels. I’ll probably get around to it one of these days.
      Tnx for stopping by and commenting Kim


      • Alex is awesome in Moonlight. That was when I first caught sight of him and then he plays a lot of small roles here and there.
        Underworld is good but then the sequels start getting kind of meh…I’d love to read what you have to say about them 😉


        • my wife and I enjoy him in Hawaii 5-0, plus I liked him in 3 Rivers. Ive seen him in a few movies where he has smallish parts and he isn’t as good there, but I understand the draw women have to him.

          I’ve added Underworld to my list and based on my thoughts of that, I’ll see about the sequels.

          Thanks Kim!


  2. Pingback: Temporal Top Ten – 2009 |

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