August Rush (2007)

august_rush_dvd “Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind… in the air… in the light. It’s all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do… is listen. ” – August Rush

Number of Times Seen – 1 (26 May 2014)

Brief Synopsis – A young orphan boy who is a musical genius tries to use his given talent to find his parents

My Take on it – I had no idea what this movie was about before I watched it and was pleasantly surprised at how much it was able to pull me in.

The movie follows three story arcs at once giving us different tales that we know will eventually meet up.

The music is very inspiring and it gives the movie a magical fairy tale feeling.

Each character is on a different but similar kind of quest but the movie mostly focuses on the problems of the young orphan boy August throughout his journey to find him parents.

Robin Williams has a small role as a man who tries to take advantage of August’s musical talents.  This, I believe is one of the rare cases where Williams was miscast, since he just doesn’t fit the character very well.

All 3 main characters have connections to music and each of them evoke their love for music in different ways.

This movie deals with some jumpy time warps between stories that takes too long to settle down, but otherwise it’s an enjoyable fairy tale movie.

Bottom Line – Interesting blend of music and magic brings us a nice modern day fairy tale about finding the music within you. Recommended!

Rating – Globe Worthy


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