Contagion (2011)

Contagion “Blogging is not writing. It’s just graffiti with punctuation. ” – Dr. Ian Sussman

Number of Times Seen – 1 (17 Jun 2014)

Brief Synopsis – A women gets sick while on business in the Far East. Slowly she the diseases spreads all across the globe while researchers must work fast to find a cure

My Take on it – This is a movie I only heard about a few months ago and was quite keen to see because of the premise.

It really gives the viewer a lot to think about and tells a story that doesn’t seem too far fetched at all; meaning it could actually happen the way they describe it.  This makes the movie seem more real and also scary as hell because it isn’t completely outrageous.

The cast is truly stellar in this movie; Laurence Fishburn, Jude Law, Matt Damon, Kate Winslow, Gweneth Paltrow, Marion Cotillard, Bryan Cranston, and Elliot Gould are all great.

The story is told from numerous viewpoints which is both good and bad.

The good is that we get to see how widespread this disease goes and how it effects so many different people in different parts of teh world.

The drawback of that is that since it spends so little time on character development due to the large cast, we think of all of the characters as ‘stock’ characters in an ‘end of the world’ movie and don’t care much about what happens to each and every individual character.

Bottom Line – Great movie that presents a plausible scenario making it quite scary to think about. Great cast of characters giving us numerous storylines to follow at once which is also a drawback. Recommended!

Rating – Globe Worthy


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15 thoughts on “Contagion (2011)

  1. Pingback: Movies Reviewed Index A-Z |

  2. I really liked Contagion a lot, mostly for its amazing cast. I agree that it is a scary thing especially with the world having gone through SARS and the like. Its something that can happen and although the story jumps around a little too much, it does point out the fear behind the scenes as well as on every level of the spectrum 🙂 Great review!


  3. Pingback: Temporal Top Ten – 2011 |

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