Movies From the Hat: Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Recommended by Kieron


dawn of the dead“Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill!” – Dr. Foster

Number of Times Seen – 1 (12 Sep 2014)

Brief Synopsis – After a zombie attack, four survivors try to find a place to hide out and end up in a mall filled with the undead.

My Take on it – I am so glad that I finally got to see this movie.

I am especially happy that I recently watched Night of the Living Dead (1968) prior to seeing this because it gives me a sense of how George Romero’s vision of zombies evolved.

The rules of zombie flicks were set with this movie. The fact is that there are NO rules because everything is completely up for grabs.

The idea to have the survivors hide out in a mall, which was just becoming popular at the time was genius because it allows for so many different scenarios to happen.

The blood doesnt look real here but that partially has to do with the evolution of special effects and at the time that was what was being used.

I found it funny that many of the zombies actually resembled aliens due to their bluish tint which was quite apparent. This was supposedly caused by an error with the mix used for makeup.

It was great for us to also learn and care about the characters because just like in The Walking Dead, it’s the personalities of the characters who are trapped in the zombie world that keeps us so interested.

Can’t wait for the next one in the series!

Bottom Line – Great zombie movie that proves why I love this genre and dont rank it in the same category as horror flicks. Romero finally got the zombie look and feel right (besides the bluish tint). Helps set the modern day zombie rules. Highly recommended!

Rating – Oscar Worthy


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