Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

half-blood prince“This is beyond anything I have imagined. ” – Dumbledore

Number of Times Seen – 2 (6 Aug 2009 and 14 Apr 2015)

Brief Synopsis – As his 6th year at Hogwarts approaches, Harry joins Dumbledore in learning the history of their enemy in order to find a way to stop him.

My Take on it – This movie is also among my favorites and until I read the book, I didn’t even realize how much more the details missing in the movie help us to understand some of the characters and their actions in the past, present and the future.

This chapter itself is great in the way that we learn about Voldemort and his past and how nature and nurture played such a part in his life.

Lots of exposition detailed extensively in the book are left out here which is unfortunate, but ultimately, they are able to still give us a very interesting tale by using just some of the main ideas.

This movie and book once again amazes me as to the amount of planning JKR put into creating this series…it truly is unbelievable.

The title itself can refer to so many characters that it’s fun to try and figure out how and why it can be ambiguously connected to each and every one of them.

Bottom Line – Great chapter in the HP saga that gives us so much about how Voldemort came to be and what led him on that path. Once again, the book gives us even more essential details that are glossed over here, but they still manage to provide us with enough information in the movie to get the general idea.  Storyline helps really define some of the character’s future actions.  Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – As an homage to J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, a fan of hers, included a reference to the series in his novel ‘Wolves of Calla’, featuring Snitches as flying grenades. ‘Wolves’ was published one year before the ‘Half-Blood Prince’ novel. Rowling, in turn, returned the favor: the Gaunts (Voldemort’s maternal family though Dumbledore did not mention in the film) is alluded to Leland Gaunt – the lead antagonist in King’s novel ‘Needful Things’ (played by ‘Max von Sydow’ in Needful Things (1993)).  (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy


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6 thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

  1. When I saw this one for the first time it was my least favourite in the series. At that point I hadn’t read the books. Now I’ve read them, I enjoy this one much more. The final sequences with Dumbledore hold so much weight. It’s definitely in my top three of all the films!

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