Movies From the Hat 2 – Belle (2013)

Recommended by Eddie of Sidekick Reviews

(Recommendation #25 of 30)

Tnx Eddie!

belle“How can I be too high of rank to dine with the servants, but too low of rank to dine with my own family? ” – Belle

Number of Times Seen – 1 (27 May 2015)

Brief Synopsis – A mixed race daughter born into a wealthy white family in England in the mid 18th Century is raised by her great uncle, a wealthy jurist.

My Take on it – This is yet another movie that I didn’t even know existed before it was recommended to me.

I had no idea what to expect and just hoped it wouldn’t be yet another boring historical period drama about merry ole England.

The issues raised here about racial, class and gender lines were really interesting to watch unfold.

It is rare to have a movie set in England during this time period dealing with slavery and mulatto offspring.

This movie deals with those issues in a very honorable way and it felt very inspiring.

The cats is superb and they all make us understand that sometime certain issues are uncomfortable to discuss in the open, but ultimately, one must do what is needed.

Bottom Line – Great true story that was a pleasure to watch unfold because it tackles so many issues not usually dealt with in historical movies like this one.  Excellent cast that help make the issues dealt with feel very genuine despite the uncomfortableness felt by all involved.  Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – In January 2013, the Writers Guild of America ruled that sole writing credit on the film would go to Misan Sagay. Publicly, no one with direct knowledge of the ruling has spoken out against that decision, but according to information obtained by EW, Asante wrote a number of script drafts before she started directing the film–this after Sagay wrote several early versions. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy


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