March of the Penguins (2005)

march[narrating voice over] There are few places hard to get to in this world. But there aren’t any where it’s harder to live. – Narrator

Number of Times Seen – 1 (13 Jul 2015)

Brief Synopsis – Documentary about the yearly journey that Penguins make to continue their species

My Take on it – This is a paradoxical movie as far as I’m concerned, because despite the story feeling long and meandering, it is shot beautifully from a cinematographic standpoint.

This is truly a movie more suitable to the Nature Channel than to watching as a feature documentary.

Morgan Freeman is great as the narrator and his voice is very soothing to listen to but unfortunately, the story isn’t really interesting enough to watch.

I can understand why people enjoy the way this movie was filmed, but other than that, I have a lot of trouble understanding why this has been hailed as a masterpiece.

Bottom Line – Some amazing shots, but ultimately it’s very boring and feels too much like something one would find on the Nature Channel on TV. Freeman’s voice is very soothing to listen to, but I didn’t find this interesting enough and I can’t understand why this movie is hailed as a masterpiece, when in reality, it’s a mediocre story shot beautifully.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Morgan Freeman recorded his narration in one day. (From IMDB)

Rating – BAFTA Worthy


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