Opinion Battles Round 9 Results

Check out the results of round 9 of Opinion Battles over at Movie Reviews 101. Tnx again Darren!

Movie Reviews 101

Opinion Battles Round 9 Results

For the first time in a long time we have actually got three places with no split points this time around. We had a big range of films that include two drifters, a prison escape, a downward spiral in a mental home, a fighter going against the odds, an epic journey, a hunt for a submarine, a cooking drama and a gangster real life story, but what film won?

Well in third we have the Lord of the Rings Trilogy selected by That Other Critic getting 2 points.lord of rings

In second place we have Goodfellas selected by Khalid getting 5 points.goodfellas

The winner this month is Shawshank Redemption selected by the most people Rob, Emma and S.G. Liput each getting 10 points.shawshank

The table now looks like,

1stRob – 46.1

2ndDrew – 29.9

3rdFlicks Chicks – 28.9


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