The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)

stanford “You brought me here to legitimize this experiment, and there’s nothing legitimate about this place, Phil.” – Jesse

Number of Times Seen – 1 (24 Jan 2016)

Brief Synopsis – Based on a real experiment performed during the 1970’s to test how students would react as both prisoners and guards if given the opportunity.

My Take on it – There are certain movies based on real events that make you feel astounded that they really were able to happen.

This movie tells us one of those kind of stories.

It is quite interesting to see and hear what could cause these men to act the way they acted when given the chance to do so.

Often, when people find themselves in certain circumstances, they act in a way that they never expected to and the results can be quite amazing.

I saw this almost a week ago and can’t get it out of my mind.

In a way, I would compare it to the also disturbing Compliance (2012) where you can’t believe afterwards that things happened the way described…but you know it did.

The cast is great and they help to convey everything that happened.

This is not the type of movie that I would run to see again so soon, but that’s part of what makes it so great!

Bottom Line – Scary how this kind of thing can happen because it just shows what people can be capable of when given the chance.   Very disturbing that it will remain for you for quite some time. Excellent cast that help convey everything we need to see and hear. Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The german movie from 2001 ‘Das Experiment’ with Moritz Bleibtreu and the american remake from 2010 movie ‘The Experiment’ with Adrien Brody and Forrest Whitaker are also based on the ‘Stanford experiment’ (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy


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9 thoughts on “The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)

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