An American Tail (1986)

an american tail“Money is not everything. I know, because I have money and I have everything. ” – Gussie

Number of Times Seen – 1 (1 Jun 2016)

Brief Synopsis – Upon their arrival to America after fleeing persecution in Russia, a young mouse gets separated from his family and he must learn to survive in America as he tries to find his family.

My Take on it – This is another movie that I surprisingly never saw despite it being so well known 30 years ago.

I had a lot of trouble connecting with the characters and the story and actually found it to be pretty boring.

Feivel himself was quite annoying and his screechy voice didn’t help endear him to me.

I think that I had very high expectations for this and was completely let down by the hype.

The only thing that I think is good here is the song played over the credits Somewhere Out There which was even nominated for an Oscar for Best Song.  The version sung within the film itself wasn’t as good though because the kids who sing it there (Phillip Glasser and Betsy Cathcart) just aren’t as good as Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram.

Here are both versions of the Oscar nominated song… you be the judge which is better

After not liking this one at all will probably mean that I’ll avoid the sequel too Feivel Goes West (1991)

Bottom Line – Can’t believe it took me 30 years to finally see this. The hype was too great though, because I didn’t like this film at all. Even the music wasn’t as iconic as I suspected besides the theme song played during the credits which was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The scene in which Fievel presses up against a window to look into a classroom filled with American “schoolmice” is based on a story Steven Spielberg remembered about his grandfather, who told him that Jews were only able to listen to school lessons through open windows while sitting outside in the snow. (From IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy


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13 thoughts on “An American Tail (1986)

  1. I remember Feivel Goes West bc it was the very first movie that really scared me. Or it has this really scary scene in it, I think when he gets eaten by a cat. Super weird. But yeah, otherwise forgettable stuff. Didn’t even realize it was a sequel

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