China 9, Liberty 37 (1978)

“You ain’t gonna last long, son. There ain’t no soft-hearted gunfighters.” – Matthew Sebanek

Number of Times Seen – 1 (10 Jun 2024)

Brief Synopsis – A railroad baron hires and assassin to kill a rancher, but when the assassin falls in love with the rancher’s wife, the baron puts a price on his head too.

My Take on it – Intriguing idea that is enjoyable to watch unfold. The characters all break the mold expected of them in this kind of genre and that helps make things so much more engaging to follow. The characters each have their stances on things and that also helps enhance things. The cast is great and Warren Oates stands out throughout. The story has some nice twists and turns along the way which make things more suspenseful and helps keep the viewer on the edge of their seat.  The romance aspect of the story is not done in a classic style, but is felt in a very powerful way between the various characters regardless.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – This was the very last film distributed by Allied Artists Corporation (early in its life, Allied Artists was known as Monogram Pictures, and was responsible for all the Bowery Boys/East Side Kids films (under the monikers; Little Tough Guys/Dead End Kids, their films were released by Universal). Citing extreme financial difficulties, Allied Artists filed for Chapter 11 in late 1978, and the following year, their entire catalogue (including the Monogram films) was purchased by Lorimar/Telepictures Corporation (itself subsequently purchased by Time Warner, Inc. a decade later). Some TV prints of the Bowery Boys features, the WB ‘shield’ logo precedes the opening credits). (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (7/10)


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