The Ghost of Flight 401 (1978)

“There will never be another crash of an L-1011.” – Dom Cimoli

Number of Times Seen – 1 (10 Jun 2024)

Brief Synopsis – Following an aircraft accident, passengers on reused parts from the plane seem to encounter the ghost of one of the crew members.

My Take on it – Really poorly done film that starts off well, but once it hits a supernatural area, doesn’t make enough sense. The cast is fine and Ernest Borgnine who is usually great, isn’t able to shine in his role. Loved seeing a very young Kim Basinger in this film despite the fact that she also can’t help make things more enjoyable.  The story is told in a very choppy way and as they try to make it seem like a docu-drama, it ends up coming across in a very laughable way.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Based on a book that claimed to have been a true story. However, it has since emerged that almost no equipment from Flight 401 was salvaged for use in other planes, and no airline personnel ever admitted to having seen the ghost. (In the book, it’s claimed that all personnel “spoke under the condition of anonymity” making their stories impossible to verify one way or the other.) Even retired personnel, who have nothing to lose, say there were no sightings. At one point the airline considering suing the publisher, but decided against it as it would create too much publicity. It is now felt that the story is almost completely fabricated and no ghost was ever seen. (From IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy (2/10)


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