11,400th Review!!!! Genre Guesstimation – Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)

The idea behind this feature (Genre Guesstimation) is for me to watch a bunch of new movies (or ones that I haven’t seen many times) from the chosen monthly GG genre in order to expand my knowledge of movies within that particular genre.

This month’s genre has been chosen by Darren of Movie Reviews 101 and we will be reviewing our favorite Female Directed Movies.

Please get me your submissions by the 25th of June by sending them to femaledirectors@movierob.net

Try to think out of the box!

Let’s see if I felt that this movie would be worthy of being in the company of my others favorite movies in the genre of Female Directed Movies…

“Satan has finally left my body.” – Lilly

Number of Times Seen – 1 ( 14 Jun 2024)

Brief Synopsis – The Bellas are reunited in order to do a USO tour where they must compete against other groups, even if they aren’t using just their voices for their performances.

My Take on it – Horrendous addition to this series. These characters have been used up and they venture into areas here that take away from the freshness of the original film. I am a HUGE fan of John Lithgow, but he is truly wasted here in this role and his accent is atrocious. The film doesn’t have the strength of the previous films and even the musical aspects of it are sub-par. I’m glad they stopped making films in this series, even though, they should have stopped much earlier.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Pitch Perfect (2012) is the third highest grossing music comedy film of all-time, behind School of Rock (2003). Meanwhile, Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) is the highest grossing music comedy film of all-time, ahead of School of Rock. Mike White, who wrote and co-starred in School of Rock, co-wrote this third installment of the Pitch Perfect trilogy. (From IMDB)

Genre Grandeur Worthy? – Not even close. Really useless sequel. This seroes should have stuck to just the original film.

Rating – Razzie Worthy (3/10)


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