The Long Goodbye (1973)

longgoodbye-3“Your friend was a murderer and a thief. Let me tell you something else. It’s a minor crime, to kill your wife. The major crime is that he stole my money. Your friend stole my money, and the penalty for that is capital punishment.” – Marty Augustine

Number of Times Seen – 1 (25 Nov 2013)

Brief Synopsis – P.I. Philip Marlowe tries to find the double-murderer of a friend and his wife.

My Take on it – I enjoy detective movies, but in general they involve someone actually detecting things.  In this movie, the lead character doesn’t utilize his detective skills very much and finds a way to solve the crime in the end by chance really.

The one bright spot here is the personality of the main character of Philip Marlowe played by Elliott Gould who uses smart-alek dialogue as much as he can which makes him somewhat more endearing.  To hear Gould respond ‘Donald Duck’ when asked his name by Police officers is truly a memorable line and that entire scene in the police station in particular is filled with many similar kind of quirky lines.

Unfortunately, other than that, this movie offers us very little in terms of entertainment.

Bottom Line – Not very interesting plot, very little detecting involved from the detective, only bright spot is Gould as the smart-allecky detective.

Rating – Razzie Worthy

2 thoughts on “The Long Goodbye (1973)

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