Milestone Marathon – Indiana Jones Quadrilogy

indiana jones complete

Well if you pay attention to my movie stats, you know that that time has once again come around; I have hit a new movie milestone.  This time 700 movie reviews.

In order to celebrate my new milestone, I racked my brain to find a movie series worthy of being spotlighted that I had yet to watch and to my surprise, I have not yet tackled the iconic series featuring our favorite adventurer with his iconic hat, his whip and his fear of only one thing…snakes dreamt up by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg those amazing storytellers that they are.

John Williams music is epic in all 4 of the movies and he uses his musical genius to always incorporate some of the music from each into the others giving us continuity even in the musical scores.

I love the first 3 so much that I don’t think I would ever be able to rank them because they are all amazingly fun movies to watch.

The 4th one , on the other hand, just isn’t as good 😦

Following are my reviews of all 4 Indiana Jones adventures (eventhough they probably should have kept it at 3)


7 thoughts on “Milestone Marathon – Indiana Jones Quadrilogy

  1. Pingback: The Large Association of Movie Blogs | LAMBCAST #421: INDIANA JONES FRANCHISE MOTM

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