Movies From the Hat III – Easy Virtue (2008)

This is my 2,008th movie review

Thanks to Satu for recommending this film to me!

easy virtue“Well, coming from a country no older than the chair you are sitting in, seems a very practical solution!”- Mrs. Whittaker

Number of Times Seen – 1 (15 Feb 2016)

Brief Synopsis – A young English man returns to his family home after recently marrying a young female race car driver.

My Take on it – After having seen the Hitchcock silent film based on the same play as this, I was looking forward to seeing a modern adaptation, but the storylines are completely different and only share the basic outline and some of the characters.

The cast is superb and is lead by Jessica Biel, Kirsten Scott Thomas and Colin Firth.

The story at points felt quite rom-com average but the better scenes make up for it.

Dialogue that is witty and interesting keeps us on our toes.

Like how they used the contrasting personalities of the uptight British characters and the care-free American to create comic situations for all to get involved with and keep us laughing.

Bottom Line – Interesting and witty dialogue wins the day here. Great cast despite the story feeling pretty average overall. The contrasting personalities between the uptight British family and the young open minded American race car driver help make this fun. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – There’s a Director Wrangler listed in the credits. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy


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6 thoughts on “Movies From the Hat III – Easy Virtue (2008)

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