Three Colors: White (1994)

“What counts in bridge is memory….and mine is excellent.” Mikolaj

Number of Times Seen – 1 (24 May 2018)

Brief Synopsis – A Polish immigrant in Paris tries to find a way back to his homeland after getting divorced and being left with nothing.

My Take on it – In my quest to expand my knowledge of Foreign language films, I decided to watch the second part of the Three Colors Trilogy by Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski.

This film really surprised me because I was expecting something very different after seeing the previous film Three Colors: Blue (1993).

They do a great job making a black comedy about the lengths people will go in order to try and get what they want.

The characters each have different desires and we get to see how and what they do in order to try and achieve those desires whether they be love, death, freedom or even revenge.

The story moves along at a great pace and we get to know the characters quite well based solely on how they act in the situations they find themselves in.

Love how they keep hitting us with surprises along the way.

After seeing Three Colors: Blue (1993), I was quite curious to know how they would be able to incorporate the color white into this film so prominently and they do a wonderful job with it; snow, clothing and even bird poop are some of the shades of pure white shown in the film that try to show innocence and freedom.

This is a story that works well as both a comedy and a tragic drama because of the way things are presented because sometimes irrational decisions by the characters work to their advantage while other times they do not and it was interesting to try and guess each time which result will happen.

While not as impactful as the first film in the series, it still is done exceptionally well.

Bottom Line – Great black comedy that shows the lengths people will go to get what they want whether it be love, death, freedom or even revenge. The story moves along at a great pace and they keep surprising us along the way. Loved the way that the color white was incorporated into this film so well because I wondered how they would do it after seeing the same kind of technique in Three Colors: Blue (1993).  Story works well as both a comedy and as a look at how desperate people will sometimes make irrational decisions in order to get what they want no matter the cost. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Almost every shot in the movie contains at least one white object. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10)


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3 thoughts on “Three Colors: White (1994)

  1. Pingback: The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – Encore Review 4 (Podcast – LAMB MOTM) |

  2. Pingback: Temporal Top Ten – 1994 |

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