Three Colors: Red (1994)

“I feel something important is happening around me. And it scares me. ” – Valentine

Number of Times Seen – 1 (27 May 2018)

Brief Synopsis – A young model meets a retired judge who spends his days spying on his neighbors.

My Take on it – As many of you know, I am not at all a fan of Foreign language films and try to stay as far from them as possible.

I recently decided that I need to expand my knowledge of these kind of films and made a conscious decision to try and watch many more in order to try and appreciate these films more.

This is the final film in the color trilogy by Krzysztof Kieslowski and is the best of them.

This film immediately captures the viewer’s attention because the story itself is so engaging right from the start.

The use of two stories that are intertwined throughout the film works really well and is a clever way to present things.

Both Irene Jacobi and Jean-Louis Trintignant are superb here and it is so captivating watching their interactions and conversations throughout the film.

This film deals with themes like destiny, free-will and the yearning for something better in life and each is presented so well via the various characters shown here.

As with the other two films in the trilogy, the idea of using the various shades of the color in the title works beautifully and the amount of red items in this film is astounding.

They even manage to find a way to make a strong connection between the three films in the series which is done so well.

Bottom Line – Best film of the trilogy because it captures the viewer’s attention so easily while the stories presented are intertwined really well. Jacobi and Trintignant are both superb in the leads and their conversations are so enjoyable to watch. The themes in this film about destiny, free will and yearning for something better in life all comes across expertly throughout. Once again the color schemes are truly beautiful to look at and the red is so dominant here.  Loved the way that this film finds a way to make a strong connection between all of the films in the trilogy.  Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Citing that it does not meet enough of the necessary guidelines concerning a film’s “artistic control” within a foreign co-production, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences disqualified the film from competing as Switzerland’s official entry for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. (In an unprecedented move, Switzerland rejected the Academy’s offer to submit another film.) Miramax Films’ co-chairman Harvey Weinstein persuaded more than sixty industry heavyweights to sign a letter of complaint urging the Academy to reconsider its stance, to no avail. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10)


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6 thoughts on “Three Colors: Red (1994)

  1. I believe this was the film that caused the Academy to change the rules on foreign language films. Now the film only has to have a connection to the country to that submits it (such as producing). This is a great trilogy. The filmmaker, I think, is one of the greats. I also love The Double Life of Verinique and The Decalog.


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