Captain Marvel (2019)

“I know a renegade soldier when I see one. Never occurred to me that one might come from above.” – Nick Fury

Number of Times Seen – 1 (12 Mar 2019)

Brief Synopsis – A warrior serving to protect the Cree Federation learns that her past is not what she thought it was.

My Take on it – This is a film that I’ve been interested in seeing (like most people) ever since I saw the final shot of Avengers: Infinity War (2018).

I’m generally not the kind of guy who needs to see a movie on opening day (Not since I’ve had kids that is), but this was a film that had me debating numerous times over the week on whether to play hooky from work to go see it.

In the end, I convinced my wife to go see it with me in the evening so that made the hooky idea moot.

I’m a sucker for fun superhero films and this one fits into that category really well.

Unlike most of the other MCU origin films, I didn’t know anything about Captain marvel before seeing this film, so I had no idea what to expect here.

Brie Larson might seem like an odd choice to play a superhero, but she does an amazing job with this role and is able to show how powerful a female hero can be when fighting for right.

The story isn’t a typical origin story and is able to use lots of twists and turns along the way to help keep things very unpredictable and surprising throughout.

Samuel L. Jackson plays his Nick Fury character except since this film takes place twenty-five years in the past, they needed to use special effects to de-age him and it’s done exceptionally well.

Those effects and the rest of the effects used in this film help enhance the story to a very high level which helps make things seem so realistic in a world filled with superheroes and being from outer space just like the MCU is always able to provide us with.

As a child of the 80’s, I love seeing films that take place in the 80’s and 90’s because they can be quite nostalgic for me.

They fill this film with so many references to that era that they are quite funny to watch and some make us think back to those days especially when dealing with technological issues.

They utilize the feel of the 90’s quite well by use of music, clothes and even showing stores that were so dominant in the 90’s.

The storyline of this film fits in really well with the rest of the MCU storylines yet they also make sure to allow this film to have its own stand alone story that is also quite interesting to follow and the story unfolds.

They also have a great message that reverberates throughout this film about what one does when they fall down; they get back up and they show it quite well within the storyline and it becomes a very moving and poignant mantra throughout.

Can’t wait to see what will happen in the next chapter of the MCU next month….

Bottom Line – Another really fun addition to the MCU. Larson is great in the lead and manages to show how powerful a female superhero can be. The story is filled with some great twists and turns that help keep things unpredictable the whole time. A de-aged Jackson helps the story work really well.  The special effects are done exceptionally well and help enhance the story so much.  As a child of the 80’s, I loved the nostalgic feel of this film since it takes place in the 90’s and is filled with so many great references from that era including clothes, music and even stores.  The storyline fits in really well with the rest of the MCU yet still is able to stand on its own with the way the plot unfolds.  The film also has a great message which reverberates throughout about what one does after they fall down.. get back up and they show it really well within the story too. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Brie Larson is allergic to cats, so her scenes involving Goose were filmed with a puppet or computer-generated VFX. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10)


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8 thoughts on “Captain Marvel (2019)

  1. Great review, i only went 7/10, mostly because I wasn’t overly convinced with Brie Larson with her comic timing and I didn’t like the full form of Captain Marvel, she seems too powerful for me, like what is her weakness? i did want to see more of Annette bening though.

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  3. Pingback: MovieRob Milestone Marathon – Countdown to 6K (#21 of 23) – Captain Marvel (2019) – Encore Review | MovieRob

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