Rock Hudson: All That Heaven Allowed (2023)

“In some ways, Rock is the most successful creation of that golden age of Hollywood, the last of those manufactured stars where every aspect of their private life has been built by other people.” – Mark Griffin

Number of Times Seen – 1 (7 Jul 2023)

Brief Synopsis – Documentary about the double life that Rock Hudson lived as a closeted gay man in 1950’s Hollywood.

My Take on it – This is a very informative documentary about the hidden life that Rock Hudson led while he was one of the top stars in Hollywood. The film has many interviews with people who were part of his circle of friends at the time and they reveal much of what transpired in both public and in private. They also interlace many voice interviews with some of his Hollywood contemporaries at various times over the past decades. The film’s goal is to try and discover what Hudson himself thought of his double life and how that possibly affected him over the years both on and off the camera. The best part of this film is the way that they integrate scenes and dialogue from his film into telling the story of his closeted life because looking at it from today’s perspective, it sounds as if it may have been done on purpose.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Rock Hudson was the first celebrity known to have died from AIDS. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (7/10)


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