Power of The Press (1943) – Encore Review

“I speak to you as the publisher of a newspaper which reaches millions, earns millions and misguides millions.” – John Cleveland Carter

Number of Times Seen – Twice (20 Jun 2019 and 9 May 2024)

Link to original reviewHere

Brief Synopsis – A small town newspaper publisher is asked to take over as publisher for a big city newspaper in order to root out corruption after the previous publisher is assassinated.

My Take on it – Such a powerful film with a message that stands the test of time. The idea that political corruption in the newspaper business was rampant 80 years ago amazes me, but the fact that much hasn’t changed since them is quite sad to think about. The film does a wonderful job showing how this kind of thing could happen, but whats more important is that it shows that there are people who do their best to try and stop the corruption. The film itself is relatively short, but they still manage to get their powerful message across easily.

Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Tony says he can provide an alibi that proves Jerry did not commit the murder. Earlier, Jerry has said that he is being framed, but has no way to save himself from the electric chair. There is no explanation of why he did not offer the alibi. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10) (no change from original review)


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