Dodge City (1939)

“I tell you, Ellen, we’re the public disgrace of America. You know what the New York newspapers are saying? There’s no law west of Chicago… and west of Dodge City, no God!” – Dr. Irving

Number of Times Seen – 1 (22 May 2024)

Brief Synopsis – A cattle dealer shows up in a small lawless town in the West and decides to take on the job of sheriff in order to restore justice and peace.

My Take on it – Errol Flynn does a great job as the lead in this western despite the fact that he never played a cowboy before. He is able to take a seemingly simplistic and stereotypical story line and elevate it to a higher level. The story plays out really well in showing the various stages he needs in order to slowly, yet swiftly make the necessary changes in restoring law and order in this town. The dialogue is quite good and allows for the viewer to get a clear sense of who these various characters are and what they are trying to achieve no matter what side of the law they stand on.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – This was Errol Flynn’s first western. He always felt miscast in the genre because of his English accent. Although Flynn was born in Tasmania, he used an English accent in films. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (7/10)


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