Nick of Time (1995) – Encore Review 2

“A bleeding heart makes a very big target, Governor.” – Brendan Grant

Number of Times Seen – Between 5-10 Times (Video, Cable, 20 May 2017, 3 Aug 2021 and 13 Jun 2024)

Link to original reviewHere and Here

Brief Synopsis – A widower is forced to assassinate the Governor in order to keep his kidnapped daughter safe.

My Take on it – Such an amazing idea that works so well. The real time way that the story unfolds keeps things really thrilling and powerful from start to finish. Johnny Depp is superb in the lead role and Christopher Walken, Marsha Mason, Peter Strauss and Charles Dutton all add so much to the way things move along. The characters are build up well despite the story taking place in real time and that enhances things so much more. The plot is quite scary to think about due to the way that it presents such a tense and powerful real life kind of scenario which no one can predict how one might act if placed in such a situation. The story stays very gripping from start to end and keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – A ticking clock countdown is shown and also split screen scenes which may have inspired the television series 24. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10) (no change from original review)


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