Titan A.E. (2000)

titan_ae“Everyday I wake up and it’s still the present. The same grimy, boring present. I don’t think this “future” thing of yours exists.” – Cale

Number of Times Seen – at least 5 times  (15 Jan 2001 in Theater, DVD and 20 Feb 2014)

Brief Synopsis – After the destruction of Earth, a young man must find a secret ship hidden in space in order to save humanity from an alien race.

My Take on it – I saw this one in the theater because a friend and I heard it was a cool movie to see on the big screen.

It really was.

The story is fun, the characters are enjoyable to watch and the voice talent is top notch; Matt Damon, Bill Pullman, Drew Barrymore, Nathan Lane, John Leguzamo, Jeneane Garofalo and Ron Perlman are all excellent.

My favorite part of this movie though has to be the music; the songs IMHO are amazing.

Here are a few examples:

Over my Head

Not Quite Paradise

It’s My Time to Fly

Cosmic Castaway

The one drawback of this movie is the animation.  For 2000, it just isn’t up to par.  Fox animation actually shut down production after this movie came out because they didn’t think they could compete with Disney, PIXAR and Dreamworks.  They ended up re-starting their studio for Ice Age (2002) using 3D animation.

This is a very fun movie to watch!

Bottom Line – Great animated sci-fi movie.  The only drawback is the animation itself seems dated. The storyline tho is great. Recommended

Rating – Globe Worthy


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