Please Don’t Eat the Daisies (1960)

“For a critic that first step is the first printed joke. It gets a laugh and a whole new world opens up. He makes another joke, and another. And then one day along comes a joke that shouldn’t be made because the show he’s reviewing is a good show. But, as it so happens, it’s a good joke. And you know what? The joke wins.” – Alfred North

Number of Times Seen – 1 (24 Mar 2019)

Brief Synopsis – A theater critic ad his family move to the suburbs which causes much strife related to his work.

My Take on it – This is a film that I knew nothing about before deciding to watch it in order to get a much better perspective on the film career of Doris Day.

Once again, Day has great chemistry with her on screen partner and she and David Niven work so well together throughout and it’s easy to believe them as a married couple.

The way that they must juggle both their personal and professional lives works quite well and stays pretty realistic in the way depicted.

As a film reviewer, I found so much insight in the way that they present the work of a theater critic because it is shown as a correlation to film criticism as well which adds a whole new dimension to the interpretation of some of the scenes of this film.

The story is kept light and fun throughout and this adds so much to the entertainment factor of it all.

This film which was n adaptation of a novel was such a hit that it spawned a TV show a few years later revolving around the same kind of scenario.

Bottom Line – Niven and Day are great together in this film and are able to show the way a married couple deal with so many problems in life jointly despite their various other commitments in life.  The story feels quite genuine and realistic in the way that it depicts the way people must juggle both family and professional lives together. The way that they depict theater reviews can easily be correlated to movie reviews which adds a whole other dimension to the way this film can be interpreted.  They do a great job keeping things light and fun the whole way through which adds so much to the entertainment factor here.  This film was such a hit when it was made that it was able to spawn a TV series with a similar themed scenario.  Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – During an argument with her husband, Kate, played by Doris Day, facetiously claims that she had a “rendezvous with Rock Hudson.” Day’s previous film had been the very successful Pillow Talk (1959) which starred Hudson as her romantic interest. Day and Hudson would eventually become a famous, on-screen, romantic pairing and would appear in a total of three romantic comedies together. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10)


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One thought on “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies (1960)

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