I, Robot (2004) – Encore Review

“[sneezes] … Sorry, I’m allergic to bullsh*t.” – Detective Del Spooner

Number of Times Seen – Between 5  and 10 times (Theater in 2004, video, dvd, 17 Sep 2014 and 5 Jul 2020)

Link to original reviewHere

Brief Synopsis – In the not too distant future, a disgruntled detective tries to solve a murder of a robotics genius where all clues point to a robot committing the crime.

My Take on it – This is a film that works really well in creating a plausible futuristic world for these characters to inhabit.

The story is set up really well and things play out in a fascinating way throughout.

Will Smith does an amazing job in the lead role and is able to portray this character so well.

WE can easily understand his skepticism along the way and that helps make his character the perfect choice to lead this investigation and follow through on all of the leads no matter where they end up going.

Alan Tudyk is superb in the role of Sonny and gives his character so much life that it’s very hard not to sympathize with him along the way.

His performance enhances the way that the special effects are utilized here in more ways that one could possibly expect.

The special effects of this film are amazing and help make us believe the full integration of robots into a futuristic society.

The action scenes are able to unfold in ways that we could never expect and stay fun and engaging the whole way through.

Many of the scenes are so spectacular that they will take your breath away as we watch them play out over the course of the story.

This movie finds a very clever and unique way to incorporate Asimov’s 3 laws of Robotics into it and that helps the mystery and suspense of things stay at a very high level throughout.

The mystery as presented here is quite perplexing and they find some great ways to have it unfold over the course of the film.

Bottom Line – Great mystery/thriller that works so well from start to finish. Smith is superbly cast in the lead role and he portrays this characters persona quite well because we get to see his skepticism in everything that happens. Tudyk is superb as Sonny and helps bring this special effects creation to life in more ways than one could imagine. The film’s special effects help integrate robots into a futuristic society so well.  The film is filled with some amazing action scenes that will take your breath away due to the thrilling and suspenseful ways that they play things out. The film cleverly uses Asimov’s 3 robotics laws in a way that helps create a very perplexing mystery that unfolds really well. Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – No re-shoots were required, a rarity for a movie as big as this. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10) (no change from original review)


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One thought on “I, Robot (2004) – Encore Review

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