Nomadland (2020)

“One of the things I love most about this life is that there’s no final goodbye. You know, I’ve met hundreds of people out here and I don’t ever say a final goodbye. I always just say, “I’ll see you down the road.”” – Bob

Number of Times Seen – 1 (5 Jan 2021)

Brief Synopsis – A woman who lives in her van and travels across the country looking for odd jobs, hooks up with a group of people who have this as their lifestyle.

My Take on it – This is a film that has been getting a lot of Award hype and buzz lately and was happy to finally get to see what it is all about.

Frances McDormand does a great job in the lead role and once again shows how great an actress she is because of the realistic way that she portrays this character.

The fact that this story is based on similar people dealing with these kinds of problems helps make things even more powerful to watch unfold.

Each of the supporting characters feel quite unique and they each have their own tale to tell which helps define who they are and how they came to this kind of lifestyle.

This enhances the story even more and makes things even more powerful to watch unfold due to the ways that they each live their lives.

This story does a superb job showing how people affected by the economic climate found ways to cope with the changes in their lives in a way that they seem content with all that has happened to them.

The film has amazing cinematography that allows us to see some gorgeous views of parts of the country that these characters travel through.

Bottom Line – Intriguing film that is even more powerful due to the fact that it is based on people who really live like this. McDormand is superb in the lead role and manages to help make things feel even more realistic as the story unfolds. They are able to give us some great characters who each have their own tales of how they came to this kind of lifestyle and it actually helps make things even more powerful to see how they all live their lives. The film does a wonderful job showing the plight of people who’s lives have been changed by the economic situation, yet find ways to deal with it and still be content with the way they lead their lives. The cinematography is spectacular and shows some really gorgeous views of the country for us to savor. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The movie was filmed in seven states during four months, during which Frances McDormand actually performed several of the jobs done by people who do nomadic work and inspired the book, such as harvesting beets and packaging Amazon orders with the CamperForce program. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10)


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3 thoughts on “Nomadland (2020)

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