Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two (2021)

“I really owe it all to you, Carmine. You’ve taught me that all men are guilty… and innocent. Which makes justice nothing more than the flip of a coin. The outcome, unpredictable. That is, of course… unless the system is corrupted, rigged in a man’s favor.” – Harvey Dent

Number of Times Seen – 1 (18 Nov 2021)

Brief Synopsis – Batman continues to try and discover who is the new Gotham villain Holiday and stop the murderous crime spree in the city.

My Take on it – Great continuation of the previous story that picks up just a few months after the previous film.

Batman teams up with Catwoman in an attempt to try and find the identity of Holiday as various characters continue to be killed along the way.

The choice to make this quite violent, gruesome and add in profanity helps make this feel more adult and that helps keep things flowing in a more poignant way.

The story has lots of twists and turns along the way that help confused both Batman and the viewer as to the identity of Holiday which helps keep us all constantly guessing.

The use of so many of the known characters (mostly villains) from the Batman stories helps add a whole new layer to the tension of the story.

The story doesn’t shy away from damaging or killing characters because it is done as a stand alone.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The Riddler is in the comic this film is based on and was confronted by Holiday on April Fools Day and was left alive, hence the pun April Fools. His appearance was left out of the film. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (7/10)


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