The Sentinel (2006) – Encore Review

“You want to shoot me? Forget about the Kevlar. Shoot me in my face!” – Pete Garrison

Number of Times Seen – Twice (21 Jul 2014 and 24 May 2024)

Link to original reviewHere

Brief Synopsis – A secret service agent who is having an affair with The First Lady tries to stop a plot to kill the President, but ends up becoming the prime suspect.

My Take on it – Such a great conspiracy theory thriller that works really well. Love having both Keifer Sutherland and Michael Douglas in prime roles even if they are constantly at odds with one another.  The story has some obvious holes within the plot, but the way that the mystery and suspense keeps building still keeps things so fascinating to watch unfold. The film does a great job of leaving bread crumbs along the way for the viewer to pick up on key clues as it plays out. The supporting cast also helps add so much to the mix with Eva Longoria, Kim Bassinger, Martin Donovan and David Rasche each adding so much to the way things play out.  The story has some nice twists along the way that enhance the thrills and open the mystery even wider.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – In one of the behind-the-scenes featurettes for the film, a Secret Service consultant to the production stated that actress Eva Longoria far surpassed the other actors in “shooting school”. In fact, he remarked that her score would beat about 90% of members of the Secret Service. Longoria mentioned that when she was younger she often accompanied her father to the gun range, so being around and handling guns wasn’t new to her. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10) (no change from original review)


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