Only the Brave (2017) – Encore Review 2

“I don’t know what to do. Yeah, well, you gotta ask yourself, “What can I live with, and what can I die without?”” – Duane Steinbrink

Number of Times Seen – 3 Times (24 Jan 2018, 28 Feb 2021 and 11 Jun 2024)

Link to original reviewHere and Here

Brief Synopsis – A group of volunteer fire fighters try to get certified as official fighters in order to help save towns from raging fires.

My Take on it – Such a powerful film that is even more poignant since it is based on a real event. The cast is great with Josh Brolin, Miles Teller and Jeff Bridges all giving very powerful performances. They do a wondrous job showing how these brave men are willing to risk so much in order to help keep communities safe from wildfires.  The special effects are superb and they do an excellent job making the viewer feel as if they are right there fighting these raging fires.  The message of friendship, camaraderie and always standing together is shown in a superb way. The characters are developed really well and they have very interesting arcs to follow which enhances the film even more.

Highly recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Real-life Granite Mountain Hotshot Brandon Bunch portrays his friend and fellow hotshot Garret Zuppiger. Zuppiger tragically lost his life in the conflagration but his actor in real life had left the hotshots 2 weeks prior since his wife was almost ready to have their third son. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10) (no change from original review)


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