Man of Steel (2013) – Encore Review 3

“People are afraid of what they don’t understand.” – Jonathan Kent

Number of Times Seen – 4 Times (24 Jun 2013, 1 Dec 2015, 19 Jun 2017 and 27 Jun 2024)

Link to original reviewHere, Here and Here

Brief Synopsis – Superman must choose whether to hide his identity or expose himself in order to help his adopted world.

My Take on it – This is a great reboot of the origin of Superman. The film utilizes technology and special effects to make things even more realistic and powerful as the story unfolds. Henry Cavill is superb in the title role and helps make things come across in a very believable way. The film unfortunately spends more time on the action scenes than developing the characters. The connection between Clark and his father Jonathan (played by Kevin Costner) is superb, but I would have loved to see that explored even more. Once again Costner shows here how great and poignant he can be in small supporting roles. The way that Superman/Clark constantly questions his own identity is shown really well here and enhances the impact this story can have. The action scenes are enjoyable to watch and Zod is truly a formidable foe for Superman (even if he isn’t being played by Terrance Stamp) and Michael Shannon is effective in the role.Looking back over the past decade to see how the DCU has progressed, I can understand better some of the choices made here, even if it isn’t among the very best of the films in the series.


MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The idea that Superman’s S-Shield means “hope” is taken from Mark Waid’s “Superman: Birthright” comic: the S-Shield is the Kryptonian symbol for “hope”, and Superman (1978) created the concept of the Shield being a Kryptonian herald for the house of El. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10) (downgrade from original review)


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