Inglourious Basterds (2009)

ib“It’s been a pleasure chatting with a fellow cinema lover.” – Fredrick Zoller

Number of Times Seen – 2 (21 Sep 2009 in the theater and 13 March 2013)

Brief Synopsis – A band of American Soldiers are sent to Germany to kill as many Nazi’s as possible.

My Take on it – As anyone who reads my reviews knows, I’m a fan of Tarantino’s movies and especially his writing.  This movie carries on that tradition. His dialogue is crisp and peppered with pop culture references.  We believe that his characters really exist because they talk like us, they sometimes talk about superfluous things, but ultimately they have their own motivations for doing what they do.

As is common for Tarantino’s films, he was once again able to attract A-list actors to appear in this movie; Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, and Michael Fassbender plus Christopher Waltz, Diane Kruger and Melanie Laurent (who are well-known in their native countries).  Stand out here is Waltz and as most people know, he went on the sweep the entire awards season with his performance.

Movie has three separate story lines flowing throughout and at the end all 3 collide with a bang just like Tarantino is expected to do.

Those looking for lots of dead Nazi’s wont be disappointed.

Bottom Line – Quintessential Tarantino film. Great dialogue. Interesting plot and storyline. Highly Recommended

Rating – Oscar worthy