Coming soon to a computer near you….1000 reviews from MovieRob

countdownHey Guys!

For anyone who is keeping track, I am rapidly inching close (metering close for you non Yanks) J to 1000 movie reviews on my site and I was trying to think of some way to celebrate this milestone, but at the same time give something back to all my loyal followers who give me the drive to keep watching and reviewing movies.

I decided that the best way to do this will be to let you (my loyal followers) choose what movies I will review for the near future.

It’s actually quite simple,, anyone who is interested should check out my list of movies here and think of a movie that I haven’t yet reviewed which you think I’ll enjoy and send me by EMAIL ( a movie title that you would like me to review. (Please don’t post titles in the comments so that your choices can be just between us)

This isn’t SHITFEST, so I hope and expect that you will choose a movie* that you think I’ll enjoy.

I’d prefer if you can steer away from horror movies and foreign language films.

Once I get the choice of titles, I will put them all in a hat and pull one out every time I wanna watch a movie and I’ll watch them in that order.  One of you will even get lucky enough to have chosen my 1000th review, but until I pull that out of the hat neither you nor I will know which blogger has chosen that milestone review.

So as I said, It’s real simple, just send me an email to and I’ll start filling up the hat. Once again, pls don’t leave your choice in the comments.

Thanks again to everyone for all of your support



* – I have veto power if I see that I can’t get a hold of the movie to watch eventhough my options are vast.

20 thoughts on “Coming soon to a computer near you….1000 reviews from MovieRob

  1. i’d like it if you did a film noir. i see that you’ve reviewed ‘double indemnity’, but i don’t see ‘the maltese falcon’, ‘the big sleep’ or ‘the postman always rings twice’ (the original, but the remake is worth seeing too)


  2. Hello Rob! I applaud you for taking this on man! Well, I’m gonna recommend two small-budget films that I think more people should check out. One is a family drama about a deaf boy: Dear Frankie and the other a recent British sci-fi The Machine. You might’ve seen me talk about the latter on my blog quite a bit but it’s really worth a look!


  3. Pingback: Marvellous Mondays: The Fantastic Four (1994) – MovieRob | Life of this city girl

  4. Pingback: Movies From The Hat III |

  5. Pingback: Movies From the Hat IV |

  6. Pingback: Movies From the Hat V |

  7. Pingback: Movies From the Hat VI |

  8. Pingback: Movies From the Hat 7! |

  9. Pingback: Countdown to 5K! – Introduction! (Pseudo-Movies From the Hat 8) | MovieRob

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