The Hunger Games (2012) – Encore Review

hunger_games1“May the odds be ever in your favor.” – Katniss Everdeen

Number of Times Seen – 3 (13 Aug 2012, 20 Jan 2014 and 1 Oct  2014)

Link to original reviewHere

Brief Synopsis – In a futuristic society, every year 24 young adults must fight yo the death until 1 is left in order to keep society working properly.

My Take on it – This movie is further proof as to why it’s better to watch a movie that has been adapted from a book before reading the source novel.

I recently read the first two books of the series becauae I liked the concept of the movies and wanted to learn more indepthly about the characters and the world created for this series.

Rewatching this after having read the book made me once again lose faith on the adaptation system.

I found that this movie left too much of the character development and exposition out which is so important to understanding and caring for people in this futuristic world.

The action is done well and I enjoyed the blend of futuristic and hand to hand weapons.

I guess my initial reaction of this movie not be amazing was correct and it is good, but just not as great as the book is.

Bottom Line – Great idea which loses so much by being adapted to the screen. Missing key elements and exposition that were present in the book that help us maintain a strong connection to the characters and their world. Recommended!

Rating – Globe Worthy (no change from original review)


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