Genre Guesstimation – The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985)

The idea behind this feature (Genre Guesstimation) is for me to watch a bunch of new movies (or ones that I haven’t seen many times) from the chosen monthly GG genre in order to expand my knowledge of movies within that particular genre.

This month’s Genre was chosen by S.G of Rhyme and Reason and he chose Fantasy/Sci-fi animation (non Disney/PIXAR) Films as the Genre for May.  If you want to still submit a movie, the deadline is 25 May. Just send it to me at

Let’s see if I felt that this movie would be worthy of being in the company of my others favorite movies in the genre of Fantasy/Sci-fi animation (non Disney/PIXAR) movies…

adventures of Mark Twain“The human race, in all its poverty, has only one truly effective weapon: laughter. Against the assault of laughter – ha-ha-ha-ha! – nothing can stand.” – Mark Twain

Number of Times Seen – 1 (3 May 2015)

Brief Synopsis – As Mark Twain journeys to confront his fate with Haley’s Comet, he must also deal with three stowaways – Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher.

My Take on it – I have always been a fan of Mark Twain’s work and quotes, so I eagerly wanted to see this movie.

Unfortunately, despite the Twain mannerisms, anecdotes and quotes, the plot is quite weak and felt like an amalgam of what Twain was and meant to all of us. I was actually bored during certain scenes.

The claymation animation is superb looking especially since the technology was in its infancy when this came out.

Bottom Line – Interesting to hear Twain quotes peppered throughout the story, but the adventure itself wasn’t very thrilling to watch. I liked how they incorporated Twain memorabilia, stories and anecdotes into the storyline. Very cool claymation at the very early stages of the technology.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The first full-length feature in clay animation. (From IMDB)

Genre Grandeur Worthy? – Not at all despite truly wanting it to be much better than it actually was.

Rating – BAFTA Worthy


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3 thoughts on “Genre Guesstimation – The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985)

  1. Pingback: Movies Reviewed Index A-Z |

  2. Pingback: Temporal Top Ten – 1985 |

  3. Pingback: Genre Grandeur May Finale – The Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011) – Rhyme and Reason |

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