Movies From the Hat III – Animal Kingdom (2010)

This is my 2,010th movie review

Thanks to Jordan for recommending this film to me!

animal-kingdom“Just because we don’t wanna do something doesn’t mean it can’t be done. ” – Janine Cody

Number of Times Seen – 1 (15 Feb 2016)

Brief Synopsis – A teenager from a crime family must decide whether to join a life of crime with his uncles or take a different path to live a normal life.

My Take on it – I had only heard of this movie’s title because I knew that Jackie Weaver was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for this film back in 2010.

Besides that, I knew absolutely nothing.

I liked how this movie presents us with facts about the main character, his life and his family and we go on a journey with him as he tries to find his place in life.

The age old question of Nature vs Nurture is very present here and some characters believe one way and others the opposite.

The plot is quite engaging because you really have no idea what to expect from any of the characters.

The cast is great and even Guy Pierce was sometimes unrecognizable to me because he hid behind a mustache.

Bottom Line – Great plot, interesting performances. Loved the way it delves into the issues of making the right decision when you are at an impasse at the crossroads. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – The film is loosely based on the Melbourne crime scene in the 1980s, and the Pettingills crime family. Also, the random revenge murder of two patrolmen recreates the 1988 Walsh Street police shootings. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy


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15 thoughts on “Movies From the Hat III – Animal Kingdom (2010)

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  4. Pingback: Did They Get it Right? – Best Supporting Actress – Oscars 2010 | MovieRob

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