The Toptober Tens #9 – Alfred Hitchcock Films

toptoberFor this month’s ninth Toptober Tens, Here are my Top Ten Favorite Alfred Hitchcock films.

Hitchcock is known as one of the greatest directors and he directed 53 films.  I haven’t yet seen them all, but here are my favorites from the ones I’ve seen.

Keep in mind, that these are all solely my opinion and part of what I would like to do is open conversation and dialogue between us all over the choices in these lists

Off we go…. vertigo

10. Vertigo (1958)rope

9. Rope (1949)foreign

8. Foreign Correspondent (1942)rear

7. Rear Window (1955)psycho

6. Psycho (1960)lady

5. The Lady Vanishes (1937)north

4. North by Northwest (1959)dial-m

3. Dial M for Murder (1954)man

2. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)lifeboat

  1. Lifeboat (1944)

14 thoughts on “The Toptober Tens #9 – Alfred Hitchcock Films

  1. Pingback: The Toptober Tens – What is it??? |

  2. Haven’t seen all of these, but as accomplished as he is, Hitchcock’s films often seem to me like they excel in certain parts (hence all the famous scenes) while what connects them is often forgettable. I do love Psycho though, and Dial M and Rear Window had some great moments. I ought to see Lifeboat again, but I recall it being quite good too.


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