Out of Time (2003)

“A beer in the hand is worth two in the fridge. ” – Chae

Number of Times Seen – 1 (5 Nov 2018)

Brief Synopsis – A police chief while investigating a double murder must figure out what to do when all the evidence points to him.

My Take on it – In my quest to watch more Denzel Washington films in order to see if he is able to break out of his usual movie persona, I decided to watch this film which I had never even heard of beforehand.

The premise presented works quite well and we can see the panic that comes from a police chief who realizes that the evidence points to himself despite the fact that he knows he is innocent but cannot prove so.

Washington is quite good in the lead and he plays the role in a way that we can definitely sympathize with him as he tries to find the actual criminal before he is accused of the crime while the tension continues to escalate.

The story stays thrilling throughout as it gets more and more intense as things move along.

This film is filled with some great twists and turns along the way that help raise the level of suspense again and again which makes things quite enjoyable to watch the whole time.

The supporting cast is also great with Eva Mendes, Dean Cain, Sanaa Lathan and John Billlingsley helping to keep the story interesting the whole way through.

Bottom Line – Great premise that works quite well.  Washington is pretty good in the lead because we easily can care about what will happen to him as we see the story escalate.  The thrills are fun to watch as the premise gets more and more intense.  Liked the twists and turns in the story because it helps keep the suspense level quite high the entire time. Nice supporting cast that includes Mendes, Cain, Lathan and Billingsley who manage to help keep things interesting the entire time. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Carl Franklin put all the clocks forward by one hour on set, giving the actors the illusion that they were constantly out of time. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (7/10)


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