Moon (2009) – Encore Review

“You’ve been up here too long man. You’ve lost your marbles.” – Sam Bell

Number of Times Seen – 3 (2 Nov 2009, 29 Dec 2013 and 1 Nov 2019)

Link to original reviewHere

Brief Synopsis – As the end of his three year contract on a moon base is coming to an end, an astronaut begins to make plans to return home, but something seems out of place.

My Take on it – This is a film that I watched on a whim not long after it came out and immediately loved it.

The premise is quite unique and is proof that it is still possible to think out original stories that can be so powerfully engaging throughout.

Sam Rockwell is extraordinary in this film and he proves how great and actor he can be since he is the only main character of the story and is on screen through almost the entire run time all by himself.

The story itself is built up really well and they find new and innovative ways to keep surprising over and over as things unfold.

This movie is even more enjoyable to watch due to the very limited set and characters since this allows the film makers to developing and explain things so well the whole way through.

Kevin Spacey has a small yet significant voice role in this film as the robot helping Rockwell’s character and his voice helps keep the situations calm and collected.

The special effects in this film are also great yet they find a way to integrate them into the story so well that many times one wonders whether what they are watching is real or an effect.

This in and of itself helps enhance the film’s impact.

Bottom Line – Such an amazingly unique premise that works really well. Rockwell is superb in the lead role and manages to hold this film all by himself which is quite impressive.  The story works quite well and manages to surprise over and over along the way. The limited set and characters helps make this story so enjoyable to watch because they manage to take their time developing the characters and situation where we finally get to understand what is really going on. Spacey does a fine job with the voice work of the robot and his voice actually helps keep the situations both calm and collected. The special effects are done really well and they make it seem as if there are no effects at all which helps enhance the story to very high levels. Highly Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – As part of the presentation of the movie at NASA, the director was asked about the sturdy, bunker-like design for the base. The director explained that he thought that astronauts would build the base using material dug out of the moon itself, instead of bringing a habitat with them and placing it on the surface. As it happened, one of the other audience members was working on “mooncrete”, which as she explained to the director is a concrete-like material that could be made out of rocky “regolith” on the lunar surface. (From IMDB)

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10) (no change from original review)


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4 thoughts on “Moon (2009) – Encore Review

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