The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

“You blew up my wood bar stools. You know how hard it is to get wood on the moon?” – Pluto Nash

Number of Times Seen – 1 (4 Mar 2020)

Brief Synopsis – In the future, a businessman running a nightclub on the Moon tries to avoid gangsters.

My Take on it – In my quest to try and watch more Eddie Murphy films, I decided to finally see what this one is all about.

This is a horrendous film that fails to work on so many levels.

Murphy unfortunately can’t find a way to make this character any more likeable and that makes it even more difficult to find anything that happens here to be even close to seeming plausible.

The movie is meant to be a comedy, yet none of the jokes are funny and they almost all fall completely flat.

Murphy and his co-stars have no chemistry with one another at all and it’s quite easy to just not care about any of them or actually about anything that happens to them.

The film has a sci-fi aspect to it yet the special effects are very poorly done and look so fake.

I now understand why this is considered to be one of Murphy’s worst films.

There are other films of hos that also hit rock bottom but this one is clearly towards the bottom of that list too.

Bottom Line – Terrible film that fails on so many levels. Murphy isn’t able to make this character feel believable at all and the comedy aspects of this film don’t work at all. The chemistry between Murphy and his costars is almost non-existent and its so easy to not care about any of them or about anything that might happen to them. The special effects are very poorly done and it all looks so fake. There is a reason that this film is considered to be one of Murphy’s worst films and despite the fact that there are a few others which I believe give this one a run for it’s money, this is definitely among his worst.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – In absolute terms, this movie made the largest financial loss of any movie to date, with a budget of $100 million and a total US gross of $4.41 million (loss of $95.59 million) and a lifetime worldwide gross of $7,103,973 for a total loss of $92,896,027. (From IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy (2/10)


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3 thoughts on “The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

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