Supergirl (1984) – Encore Review

“Such a pretty world. I can’t wait until it’s all mine.” – Selena

Number of Times Seen – Between 5-10 times (cable in the 80’s, video, 1 Jun 2015  and 24 May 2024)

Link to original reviewHere

Brief Synopsis – Superman’s cousin Kara arrives on Earth and must find a powerful Kryptonian weapon that has been acquired by a powerful witch.

My Take on it – horrendous superhero film that makes very little sense. Helen Slater seems a bit out of er league in this role and the dialogue is delivered by everyone in a very wooden way. The story itself has far too many inconsistencies along the way which take away so much from the potential that this story has. The use of Hart Bochner as the love interest is funny to see especially given his future roles in movies like Die Hard (1988) and he seems completely miscast in this kind of role. The special effects are done in a very lax manner and that takes away from helping the story seem more realistic.  Faye Dunaway does a poor job as the villain and she doesn’t seem as menacing or as threatening as needed for this kind of role.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – A film container, simply stating the words “Do Not Use”, was discovered at Pinewood Studios in London. The negative inside contained missing footage that was later used to create the director’s cut edition of the film. Anchor Bay subsequently released this version on special edition DVD, limited to 50,000 copies. Warner Archive Collection, an offshoot label dedicated to Manufactured-on-Demand releases, would later release it as a bonus disc DVD for the film’s Blu-Ray debut in 2018. (From IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy (3/10) (no change from original review)


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