Genre Guesstimation – The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)

diary of anne frank“Always remember this Anna, there are no walls, no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind. ” – Otto Frank

Number of Times Seen – 1  (24 Oct 2014)

Brief Synopsis – The story of how eight Jews hid away from the Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam during WWII and the young brave girl who chronicled it in her now famous diary.

My Take on it – I grew up hearing about Anne Frank and her famous diary and I knew the basic story of how she, her family and their friends hid from the Nazis in a secret attic for over two years.

This is actually the first time that I heard the entire story and it was completely breathtaking watching the story unfold before my eyes.

This movie is based on a play by the same name that won a few Tony awards a few years earlier.

Event hough the whole movie takes place in one room, the script is so well crafted that we feel the imminent danger despite the fact that it is mostly just discussed and not shown to us.

The entire cast is amazing.

Despite its 3 hour running time and the entire film taking place on one room, the story is still very engaging and interesting throughout.

Bottom Line – Excellent script that gives us the real impression of danger that these people lived in for over two years. Amazing acting by all involved. Highly recommended!

Genre Grandeur Worthy? – Finally, I’ve found a new movie from this genre that I would be willing to add to the list of my favorites. Finding excellent movies like this always makes me happy being the film fan that I am. Expertly written and acted.

Rating – Oscar Worthy (9/10)


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